PEACH BLUSH BOUQUET, Blush Communion Bouquet, Wedding Bouquet, Peach Blush Wedding, Blush Bouquet with Pearls, Bridesmaid Bouquet, Bride


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Bridal Bouquet, Wedding Bouquet, Wedding Centerpiece, Bridesmaid Bouquet, Communion Bouquet, Bride Bouquet, Blush Wedding Bouquet, Blush Bouquet, Peach/Blush Bouquet, Peach/Blush Wedding

Bouquet is made of the highest quality real touch roses set in this beautiful blush bouquet.

Measures approx. 13" long and is embellished with small pearls scattered around bouquet. Flower Ball is approx 7 1/2" round with a satin braided handle in bluse accented with satin and sheer ribbon bow with streamers to float in the wind.

These would be great as a Communion Bouquet, Bridesmaid and Bride bouquets.

Bouquets can be placed in a vase and used after your event to cherish this timeless bouquet forever.

Also see our matching centerpieces, corsages, boutonniere, favors, flower girl and favors to give your event a designer look without any work.

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