PASTEL WEDDING BOUQUET, Communion Bouquet, Bride Bouquet, Blush Pink Bouquet, Bridesmaid Bouquet, Wedding Bouquet, Wedding Flowers, Pink


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Pastel Bridal Bouquet, Blush Bridal Bouquet, Pink Bouquet, Pearl Bouquet, Bridesmaid Bouquet, Communion Bouquet, Bride Bouquet, Bridal Bouquet, Wedding Bouquet, Pastel Bouquet, Bridal Bouquet


This Dreamy Pastel Bouquet is mad of the finest quality silk flowers in pinks, blush, peach, creams and pale greens.

Flowers are a combination of wet look roses, peony's, hydrangea, and ranunculus flowers. This is a stunning combination of flowers embellished with white pearls scattered through out.

Handle is wrapped in ivory satin with a braided handle of blush satin. A voluptuous bow made with satin and sheer ribbons in creams and blush with streamers to gently blow in the wind.

Bouquet measures approx. 11 1/2" L 10 1/2" W

Ask about matching corsages, boutonniere's, flower girl basket, flower wreath to coordinate with your event.

Great for weddings, anniversaries and Communion's

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